Specialty Paints & Coatings, Inc was established May 16th 2006. The idea for this company started seventeen years ago when Max Crider, the owner of SPC was offered a job in a local paint store where he purchased products as an independent painting contractor. He was hired as an outside salesperson to sell and service commercial accounts. After several months, he began to take a special interest in the wood and metal manufacturing industry. Several years later the opportunity arose, with the help of two partners, to purchase the inventory of products for the wood & metal mfg. industry from the paint store that he worked for.

A new business was started, the target market was the same but new opportunities began to form when the new company realized that there were many other support products that could be provided such as application equipment for the coatings they were distributing. This direction was followed for several more years until the company was approached by a large building supply company looking to expand and diversify their existing business. A deal was made, the business was sold and Max became the manager of a new coatings division determined to even further expand the range of products being supplied to their clients.

Eight years went by quickly as the diversity of products continued to grow from coatings & spray equipment to include spray booths, a line of abrasives, a complete line of exterior wood products, commercial skylights to enhance manufacturing areas and many other support products pertaining to the wood & metal manufacturing industry.

In the late fall of 2005, Max was approached by the company he worked for to see if there was any interest in purchasing the coatings division from them. Again, a deal was made and Specialty Paints & Coatings was formed. Inventory and equipment was purchased, support people for the business came along with the acquisition so that the new business could continue to provide service and product to the customer without interruption. We continue today as a team dedicated to providing the service & products for our clients to enjoy a successful and profitable future.

SPC, Specialty Paints & Coatings, Inc, a company where the letters SPC stand for more than just a name. ‘S’ is for service to our clients ranging from technical support to actual hands on application procedures. ‘P’ is for products developed and manufactured by industry leaders to meet the needs of our customers in todays markets and well into the future. ‘C’ is for commitment to building lasting relationships with our clients which will enable us as a team to better meet the needs of todays consumer.